Up to 3 years in prison for those who do not comply with isolation orders due to Covid-19 in Yucatan

The government of Yucatan, in charge of the PAN Mauricio Mauricio, warned that people who present symptoms or have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and disregard the isolation measures imposed to avoid contagions, may go to prison. up to three years and become creditors of fines of up to 86 thousand pesos.

The Yucatan government warned that people with symptoms or have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and do not comply with isolation may go to prison Photo: Joaquín Campos

Vila said that the Health Law also establishes that people who have been exposed to this disease and who do not respect the limitation set by the health authority, as well as those who violate the temporary closure of the premises or meeting centers imposed by this cause, will be creditors of a fine of up to 86 thousand 800.

Quienes incumplan aislamiento obligatorio por coronavirus COVID-19 ...

“Yucatecan society has shown a commitment to follow the recommendations. For the same reason, those who depart from this solidarity and attempt against the health of others, will be imposed a prison sentence of up to 3 years according to the State Penal Code and may also be subject to a fine of up to 86 thousand 800 pesos in case of recidivism ”, he reiterated.

In turn, the Ministry of Health reported that as of today’s cut there are already 41 confirmed cases of Covid-19 accumulated in the entity, 10 of which are hospitalized, in serious but stable condition. The rest are isolated in their homes, with mild symptoms. 25 suspected cases are under analysis.

Yucatán multará y dará cárcel a quien tenga síntomas o COVID-19 y ...

On the other hand, it was announced that the Merida Regional Hospital of the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (Issste), of the third level, received a reconversion of its areas and is already fully enabled to receive people with Coronavirus.

Source: proceso.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post