Governor calls for the use of masks throughout Yucatan to prevent Coronavirus infections

MÉRIDA YUCATAN.– Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal reported that from now on it will be necessary to use the mouth mask to walk in public places and go to work in the companies that are allowed to open because they are essential turns, as a new prevention measure to protect Yucatecan health.

El uso de cubrebocas podría ser obligatorio en Yucatán - Punto Medio

In a message addressed to the entire Yucatecan society through his social networks, Vila Dosal explained that this provision is based on the results of the most advanced studies in recent weeks by experts in public health that indicate that the spread of the Coronavirus in the air lasts longer than previously thought at the start of the pandemic and should be applied to care for everyone, especially vulnerable groups.

Gobernador de Yucatán pide usar cubrebocas en espacios públicos ...

“The use of the mask will prevent our saliva, our sneezing or our cough from reaching healthy people who are close to or in contact with us. Using a face mask in public areas has been a successful initiative in several countries based on the principle of: you take care of me and I take care of you to stop contagion. In this way, we will avoid infecting and going to be infected when going out on the street, ”said the Governor.

Se vuelve obligatorio el uso de cubrebocas en supermercados ...

It must be remembered that the N95 model face mask is for the exclusive use of health personnel, so the general population does not need to use these to adopt this prevention measure.

En la calle y el trabajo, todos con cubrebocas: Mauricio Vila ...

Vila Dosal assured that this measure of using mouthguards to walk in public places will be extended to all types of personnel who work in companies that are allowed to open because they are essential turns, whether or not they are in contact with their clients, so it must be applied rigorously. in the companies that, due to their activities, still continue operating in the state.

“He urged society to make them at home and keep them disinfected because this essential item has been in short supply worldwide. For those who have no way to get a mouthpiece in stores or pharmacies, we will make available a simple video on how to make them at home and keep them disinfected. As face masks, handkerchiefs or other articles of clothing may also be used, ”said the Governor.

Mérida | Vila Dosal pide usar cubrebocas a quienes tengan que ...

Likewise, the Governor recognized the responsibility of the population to stay at home and follow all the recommendations that have been implemented to take care of health and reduce risks, while calling again on society to continue collaborating “so that these efforts join the goal of protecting the health of all Yucatecans and move forward all united as one. “

“I recognize the enormous effort that staying at home means to contribute to reducing Coronavirus infections. Staying at home is one of the most effective strategies to help stop the chain of infections. As we already explained, they must go out into the streets alone to buy medicines, food or those who work in companies essential for the operation of society during the contingency, ”said Vila Dosal.

Gobierno de Yucatán hace obligatorio el uso de cubrebocas en ...

This new determination is in addition to those already implemented in recent days in Yucatan in compliance with the Federal Government Decree, among which are staying at home, following basic hygiene measures, keeping a healthy distance in public places for that they still have to go out and keep closed, until further notice, all kinds of shops and companies of all lines that are not essential.

With the exception of Hospitals, Clinics, pharmacies, supermarkets, supply centers, grocery stores, food production and distribution industry, gas and gas stations, banks, self-service stores, public transport services, parcel and courier services, laboratories of clinical tests, private security services, platforms for home delivery of food and groceries, the media, hygiene factories and medical supplies, insurance companies and drinking water retailers, which must increase their prevention and hygiene measures to guarantee the safety of your workers and your customers.

Cubrebocas obligatorio para todos en Yucatán

#ENTÉRATE: El uso de cubrebocas es obligatorio para todos, estés o no estés enfermo. Así lo informó hoy sábado el gobernador Mauricio Vila Dosal como nueva medida para tratar de reducir los contagios por #Coronavirus . Si no tienes cubrebocas, es fácil fabricar uno con tela. #TodosUnidosComoUnoSolo

Posted by Progreso Hoy on Saturday, April 4, 2020


The Mazatlan Post