Coronavirus in Mexico: can you go running during quarantine?


One of the main fears of athletes is getting infected if they leave home to exercise

The physical activation remains one of the most priority recommendations of health authorities worldwide contingency arising during the pandemic Coronavirus. However, many people find themselves in the dilemma of how risky it can be to run outside in the face of the possibility of being infected.

Mexico is in the so-called Phase 3 of the pandemic, where it is estimated that the highest number of infections will be reached and, therefore, preventive measures should be reinforced.

Despite this, in an interview with AS Mexico, the pulmonologist Aldo Cruz assured that people can go out running to the street to exercise as long as precautions are maintained to avoid contact with other people.

“We are already in Phase 3, but that does not prevent you from going out for a run. People should not worry about going out for a run, but they should be careful to do it,” he said.

Recommendations for running in quarantine

Cruz gave some recommendations to follow for those who decide to go jogging: “First of all, very important, they must do it alone, not in a group, not as a couple. The parks and sports facilities are closed, so they must take an” urban route ” “in which they will meet many people, that is why it is vital to keep a healthy distance, which in the case of runners must be at least three meters, and to do it at times of little concurrence on the streets, it can be very early, before 9 in the morning, or at night, “he explained.

In France, it was even decreed that people can leave their homes for an hour to exercise at two different times: during the first hours of the day, or after 19:00.

“It is important to wear face masks to run, it can be uncomfortable, but it is necessary to avoid virus particles that can be transported through the air. Logically, spitting on the street is prohibited,” added the specialist.

What to do with sportswear after running

And finally, the hygiene of the clothes and accessories you use when going out for a run is vital: “When you get running, those clothes should go directly to the washing machine, not to a hamper, not to the floor. It is also very important that clean the sneakers you used, disinfect them with some liquid or aerosol solution, and let them dry. Many particles lodge in the soles, you have to take off those sneakers and clean them, “he said.


The Mazatlan Post