TORREÓN, COAHUILA, MEXICO — Three sisters who worked in Mexico’s government hospital system were found murdered by strangling, authorities in the northern border state of Coahuila announced Friday, stirring new alarm in a country where attacks on health care workers have occurred across the nation amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Two of the sisters were nurses for the Mexican Social Security Institute and the third was a hospital administrator, but there was no immediate evidence the attack was related to their work. The state prosecutor told local media the motive might have been robbery.

State police said the bodies were found in a house in the city of Torreon. The Social Security Institute said they were killed Thursday.
The National Union of Social Security Employees called the killings “outrageous and incomprehensible.”
In other parts of Mexico, nurses have had been hit, kicked off public transport or had cleaning fluids poured on them amid fears they might spread the coronavirus. Mexican health authorities have denounced the attacks and urged medical personnel not to wear uniforms or scrubs on the street to avoid being targeted.
Source: Notimex
The Mazatlan Post