Mexico is the wall; US migration down 74%


After a year that President Donald Trump threatened Mexico with imposing tariffs of up to 25% on all exports, unless they did something to stop migration, the number of people detained by the Border Patrol has decreased by 74.5%, reports the SRE.

Southwest Border Migration FY 2020

FY20_SWB_APR_Migration Graphic

U.S. Border Patrol Southwest Border  Encounters1 FY 2020

Southwest BorderUnaccompanied Alien Child2,8413,3093,2262,6793,0692,93873418,796
Family Units*9,7239,0028,5955,1634,6123,36960441,068
Single Adult22,84321,20921,03621,36122,39523,69514,524147,063
Southwest Border Total Apprehensions35,40733,52032,85729,20330,07630,00215,862206,927

*Family Unit represents the number of individuals (either a child under 18 years old, parent, or legal guardian) apprehended with a family member by the U.S. Border Patrol.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 To Date (TD), during the month of April, a total of 1,146 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border, compared to 23,558 in March and 30,076 in February. In FY19, a total of 851,508 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border.

1 Beginning in March FY20,  USBP Encounters statistics include both Title 8  Apprehensions and Title 42 Expulsions. To learn more, visit: Title-8-and-Title-42-Statistics

For breakdown by Sector, visit USBP Southwest Border Apprehensions by Sector

Office of Field Operations Southwest Border Encounters FY 2020

Field OperationsDemographicOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRTotal
Southwest BorderUnaccompanied Alien Child359369417396423248322,244
Family Units*3,9964,1383,4583,0372,5061,1782218,335
Single Adults5,2934,5623,7803,9153,6462,59685724,649
Accompanied Minor Child**102536133384016343
Southwest Border Total Inadmissibles9,7509,1227,7167,3816,6134,06292745,571

*Family Unit represents the number of individuals (either a child under 18 years old, parent, or legal guardian) deemed inadmissible with a family member by the Office of Field Operations.

**Accompanied Minor Child represents a child accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and the parent or legal guardian is either a U.S. Citizen, Lawful Permanent Resident, or admissible alien, and the child is determined to be inadmissible.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 To Date (TD), during the month of April, a total of 408 people presenting themselves at ports of entry on the Southwest Border were deemed inadmissible compared to 3,993 in March and 6,613 in February. In FY 2019, 126,001 people presenting themselves at ports of entry on the Southwest Border were deemed inadmissible.

1 Beginning in March FY20, OFO Encounters statistics include both Title 8  Inadmissibles and Title 42 Expulsions. To learn more, visit: Title-8-and-Title-42-Statistics

OFO inadmissibility metrics include: individuals encountered at ports of entry who are seeking lawful admission into the United States but are determined to be inadmissible, individuals presenting themselves to seek humanitarian protection under our laws, and individuals who withdraw an application for admission and return to their countries of origin within a short timeframe.

For breakdown by Field Office, visit Southwest Border Inadmissibles by Field Office.

Source: CBP.ORG

The Mazatlan Post