A ‘boom’ that is now a habit … COVID-19 marks a before and after for online purchases


32% of consumers in Mexico plan to increase grocery purchases even after the pandemic, according to a McKinsey study.

The COVID-19 pandemic came to transform the consumption habits of Mexican families, since activities that had been showing moderate growth, presented a ‘boom’ during the health contingency, as is the case of online purchases through various platforms.

Compras en línea viven su gran momento | El Diario

“After two months of practicing a habit, it already becomes permanent, and that is what is happening now: new shopping habits are being formed due to the social distancing policy, ” said Agustín Gutiérrez, a McKinsey partner, in an interview. in Mexico.

The specialist explained that between April and July of this year they detected a noticeable change in the online channel, because before the pandemic, many people did not even consider it in their day-to-day life, and now they have successfully adopted it, which will generate new consumer loyalties.

According to figures from McKinsey, 32 percent of Mexican consumers plan to increase their online purchases of groceries compared to before the pandemic, while online purchases in general (those that do not include food) will increase by 20 percent.

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“The adoption of online shopping is intergenerational, not only exclusive to millennials . The crisis accelerated the adoption of digital shopping significantly, ”he said.

Since the lockdown began, 21 percent of the people surveyed stated that they have used streaming platforms more ( Netflix, Amazon Prime, Blim, HBO Go, among others ), while 10 percent have increased their use of applications to order. food (Uber Eats, No Apron, Rappi, etc.).

The new shopping paradigm will cause several implications for companies, which is why Agustín Gutiérrez pointed out that online business will become an essential aspect for any consumer company.

“Companies must develop a strong online channel that represents a great experience for the consumer; They must ensure an efficient service and be ready to have a supply chain that guarantees the availability of the product and that it will reach the customer’s hands ”, he explained.

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The study by Mckinsey revealed that 8 percent of Mexican consumers began using or increasing their grocery online purchases during the COVID-19 health contingency.

Source: elfinanciero.com.mx

The Mexico City Post