Foreigners who wish to enter Mexico will have to comply with sanitary measures says INM

INM says migrants must comply with sanitary measures to enter the country

With the start of a new Central American caravan, the INM warned that all foreigners who wish to enter Mexico will have to comply with the sanitary measures

Migrantes recibirán sanción sin medidas ante coronavirus

After the start of a new Central American caravan that seeks to reach the United States , the Ministry of the Interior , through the National Migration Institute (INM) warned that all foreigners who wish to enter Mexico will have to comply with the sanitary measures implemented by the government, in the face of the health emergency due to Covid-19.

“Whoever knowingly is ill with a serious illness in an infectious period, puts the health of another in danger of contagion, would face a sanction that, according to the Federal Penal Code, in its Article 199-Bis, establishes from three days to three years imprisonment and up to 40 days of fine, “the INM warned through a statement.

Meanwhile, Article 444 of the Criminal Code of the State of Chiapas determines up to five years in prison; Meanwhile, article 120 of the Penal Code of the State of Tabasco establishes two and up to 10 years in prison for causing health damage to another.

“Within the framework of the health measures implemented by the Government of Mexico in the face of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, there is an instruction for all those who make use of the INM facilities, such as hospitalization areas in the country, say civil, military and private authorities, must comply with health protocols to accompany the fight against this disease.

It reported that in order to comply with the provisions of the Migration Law, control, verification, and review actions of entry, exit, transit, and stay of foreigners in national territory are carried out, in order to promote safe, orderly, and regular migration.

The first migrant caravan, after the period of confinement, left Honduras this Wednesday and arrived this afternoon at the border with Guatemala.


Mexico Daily Post