Local construction companies stopped operating in Veracruz

The impact received by construction builders in the last 6 months was devastating, as a consequence of the confinement released from the health pandemic. The worst effects correspond to micro and small companies, whose reserves were insufficient to sustain expenses during the stoppage of activities, an extreme crisis that forced forty cases in this segment to close operations temporarily and also permanently.

40 local construction companies stopped operating
40 local construction companies stopped operating

The decision of this nature was painful, assured engineer Marcos Orduña Alcocer, president of the Chamber of the Construction Industry CMIC, Veracruz-Boca del Río Delegation; because it meant the unemployment of more than 20 thousand heads of the family. A lot of skilled labor sent to the street; however, the circumstances imposed scenarios with radical solutions, whose challenges require a greater degree of innovation, perseverance, productive effort, and a reasonable degree of austerity.

They bet on the transisthmian corridor

Even with the burden of accumulated liabilities, the interviewee spoke of faith, hope for a change in the near future; and bases it on the Trans-isthmian Corridor, one of the flagship programs of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Relevant point for the integral reactivation, takeoff of the south-eastern region of the country where they include Veracruz in an important way.

40 local construction companies stopped operating

The informant highlighted the participation of members of the CMIC from this jurisdiction in planning meetings and programs in general convened by officials from Fonatur, Federal Tourism Secretaries, State Economic Development; therefore they are betting on this infrastructure front, motivated by the presidential commitment that “under equal circumstances the government of the Republic will give preference to regional companies.”

In addition to the aforementioned expectations, Orduña Alcocer cited the occupation potential recently opened with the first section of the expansion to 6 lanes of the road that connects the Olmeca Head to Tamaca. Seat of intense industrial dynamics and also housing developments, origin of the formation of “bottlenecks”. Transit through that area is very complicated, the federal investment is in charge of the Ministry of Communications and Transport and in those spaces, they hope to recover job opportunities in the beginning of 2021.