More than 30 stray dogs poisoned in the Magic Town of Xico, Veracruz

In the “Magic Town” of Xico, in Veracruz, there has been a massive poisoning of dogs. Since the beginning of April, more than 30 dogs have died and this situation has already caused a group of residents to come out to demonstrate to demand an investigation.

The protesters, including activists and families from that demarcation, lamented that it seems that the death of animals, at the hands of those who have placed poisonous substances, is taken lightly by some residents, but should be a reason for reflection.

They pointed out that, being rural areas, opossums, chickens, and goats have also died, as the substance spreads.

Together with a group of animal rights activists, they took the corpses of the dogs for forensic analysis to the Special Prosecutor for Environmental and Animal Crimes, to define what was the substance that ended their lives, since they are seeking punishment for the person(s) responsible.

An alternative that they offer based on this problem is sterilization, to avoid the proliferation of animals that later continue on the street and are victims of massive poisoning.

Source: Excelsior

Veracruz Daily Post