The constant harassment of tourists is not a thing of yesterday, in 2014 a moment captured on video went viral where a family is thrown from the beach, also in Quintana Roo, however at that time the General Law of National Assets was not clear regarding to this issue, and even the administration policy Peña Nieto pointed to the privatization of beaches.
Mexican tourists were dragged by a couple of police officers in Playa del Carmen when they were lying in the Mamitas Beach area. The fact was recorded on video.
Therefore, the video already circulates on social networks and has aroused negative comments against the actions of the tourist police.
In the recording it is observed when the two tourists are dragged by both security elements inside Mamitas Beach, while other users claim them.
For their part, the elements of the Tourist Police of Solidarity explained that they allegedly arrested the couple at the request of the management of the Mamitas Beach Club.
The reason for the arrest, according to the preliminary report, is that “they were not consuming club products” in the beach area that is supposedly managed by the private club.
The woman was identified as Asenet N, who was with her boyfriend when they were surrounded by security elements.
Even the couple reported that they were threatened by the Tourist Police, who also did the same with the attendees who had recorded the incident.
Finally, the Public Security of Solidarity has not issued any statement in this regard, while the young woman explained that she was bleeding after the arrest.
The matter could happen as an altercation of many that occur in Mexico if not because since April 2019 the Mexican beaches cannot be privatized, or at least that was the case of the then Under Secretary of Planning and Tourism Policy of the Ministry of Tourism, Simón Levy, and also raised it as an achievement of 4Q, although in reality the beaches are still monopolized by private companies preventing the free access of Mexicans to them and also acting in complicity with the forces of the State.
Despite the above, the management of the private club used the local police this weekend against tourists who suffered the attack. Thus the moment was captured before the eyes of other assistants to the site:
Even this Sunday, Simon Levy has reiterated that “the beaches belong to everyone” by addressing the current municipal president of Solidaridad, Playa del Carmen, Laura Beristain Navarrete.
The constant harassment of tourists is not a thing of yesterday, in 2014 a moment captured on video went viral where a family is thrown from the beach, also in Quintana Roo, however at that time the General Law of National Assets was not clear regarding to this issue, and even the administration policy Peña Nieto pointed to the privatization of beaches.
López Obrador, since April 2019, had already ruled against this privatization, promising to review all those laws that would encourage it:
In legal matters, the privatization of beaches is not allowed, however, this prohibition is only on paper and not in Mexican reality, without the authorities acting so far against this practice.
Citizens invited to a massive picnic on Mamitas beach as a protest

Reactions to what happened yesterday in Playa del Carmen continue, where two tourists from Mexico City were arbitrarily and violently detained by Municipal Police in Mamita´s Beach. Now the playenses are invited to protest peacefully this Sunday.
It is a massive picnic that is being called by the inhabitants of this destination of Quintana Roo. In various social media groups, an image has begun to go viral in which people are invited to go to the beach this Sunday, February 23.
It is suggested to everyone to bring their umbrella, cooler and all that one usually carries to enjoy the sun, sand and sea.
This action, it is pointed out, is a peaceful protest that aims to recover the beaches, which are spaces that must be public and available to any Mexican.
The appointment is this Sunday at 12 noon. The event is familiar and everyone is invited.
As the original publication says, article 27 of our Constitution establishes that Mexican beaches are public.
Petition launched to have Mamitas concession withdrawn

After the unfortunate events that took place yesterday at Mamita´s Beach, where two tourists from Mexico City were arrested with an excess of rudeness by Municipal Police at the request of the club administrators that area, has been launched on the platform a request to have the concession removed from this site.
The petition, which also includes one of the videos that documents this police abuse that has outraged Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo and all of Mexico, says:
“More and more hotels close the way to the public beaches that belong to Mexicans. The Mamita´s beach club, located in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, for years has harassed bathers who simply place their towel on the sand to enjoy the sun and the sea, with increasingly violent practices, as they have reached degree of corrupting tourist policemen, who in exchange for a “brat”, invent that young people are drunk to mark them a fault and be able to get them off the beach. From this, testimonies, photos and videos abound, as happened on Sunday, February 16, but before December 31, 2018, and on many other occasions.

The beaches belong to everyone, we Mexicans have the right to enjoy these recreational spaces, we cannot allow businessmen to kidnap these beautiful places, say no to the abuse of power and corruption. Those who violate the terms of their concession and intend to privatize this heritage of Mexicans must lose the right to exploit this natural resource, ”says this petition created by Adriana Olvera Juárez, a member of the Citizen Council of the Tourism Secretariat of Quintana Roo (Sedetur ) in the municipality of Solidaridad.
It should be remembered that yesterday this unfortunate aggression towards two people occurred, which today we know are called Azeneth Marín and Daniel, who are couples and they are dedicated to graphic design and dance, and he has a degree in Tourism and singer.
Here we leave you the link in which you can sign the petition and also share it with your friends and contacts, if, like many people, you are against these facts that damage the image of the destination, the state and deny access to the beaches public, a right of Mexicans.
The Mazatlan Post