Orizaba Veracruz ‘profits’ out of trash

With an investment of 15 million pesos, the Orizaba City Council inaugurated the Urban Solid Waste Fuel Generation Plant, the only one nationwide that is managed by a municipal administration.

With this plant, the Orizaba City Council will seek to save 85 percent of the 10 million pesos that it spends annually in the confinement of urban waste.

This plant serves to separate urban solid waste, organic from inorganic, through Austrian high-tech machinery brand Komptech model Terminator 2200d.

Once these urban solid wastes are separated, they will be delivered to the Holcim company for the generation of biofuel.

There will be about 130 tons of waste per day going to this separation and treatment, of which 90 will be sent to Holcim, Mayor Igor Rojí López announced when inaugurating this plant.

“Today with this machine, and with the collaboration and the agreement with Geocycle, that will drop by about 85 percent. We have a small residue there that we will have to confine or we will see what other industrial processes we can give it after all, “he said.

He explained that people from Orizabeños have been a fundamental part of this project since there is great quality in the separation of waste.

Source: diarioelmundo.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post