Passenger limits loosened Saturday for taxis and Ubers in Merida

Starting Saturday, taxis, and Ubers will be allowed to carry two passengers. Coronavirus contingencies have limited them to one passenger only, barring a medical reason.

Aref Karam Espósito, director of the Institute of Mobility and Urban Territorial Development, said the new provision was determined after considering the mobility needs of disabled passengers.

This measure will also be helpful to passengers who arrive at bus or airport terminals and need to share a vehicle.

The provisions are contingent of the following requirements:

  • The mandatory use of facemask for both the operator and users.
  • The air conditioning system cannot be used and the vehicle windows must remain open to allow air circulation and reduce the possibility of contagion indoors.
  • The passenger seat must remain empty to isolate the driver and inhibit the possibility of infection.
  • This new transport provision is exclusively for taxis and digital platform transport services and does not include private vehicles, which cannot have passengers.

Covid-19 Contagions Increase in Merida: They Are Up to 5 thousand 201 Infected

MÉRIDA, YUC. July 30.- The increase in the number of people infected by Coronavirus continues in the state and the number of deaths is increasing every day, despite the fact that strategies have been implemented in the state to mitigate infections.

In the daily report issued by the Yucatan Health Secretary (SSY) they reported 28 deaths throughout the entity and 200 people who join the list of infections.

To date, 9,283 positive cases have been reported, of which 7,285 have been recovered, which do not present symptoms nor can they spread.

However, the number of deaths during these four months that the pandemic is plaguing the entity records 1,092 deaths with 29 yesterday.

Merida concentrates 5 thousand 201 infected and the areas with red foci are the east with 1,437 cases, west with 1,054 and 1,250 in the north of the Yucatan capital.

The municipalities with the highest number of cases and in red focus according to the municipal map are: Mérida 5 thousand 201, Valladolid 591, Ticul 402, Umán 332, Kanasín 321, Tekax 180, Progreso 167, Tizimín 155, Temozón 123 and Hunucmá with 114 confirmed cases.

Health and state authorities continue to call for individual responsibility, because the way to stop the chain of infections is to comply with all the health protocols implemented, using hygiene and prevention measures.


The Yucatan Post