In addition, Ebrard stressed that the Russian government promised to send the results of phase 1 and 2 of the vaccine to Mexico for analysis

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he Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, said on Thursday that Mexico hopes to participate in the trials of the Russian vaccine against COVID-19, Sputnik 5, in October.

Mexico could participate in phase three of the Sputnik V vaccine, if approved by the Ministry of Health and the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), reported the foreign minister in a meeting with members of the Mexican Foundation for Health (Funsalud).

Ebrard highlighted that the Russian government promised to send the results of phase 1 and 2 of the product to Mexico for analysis and that Moscow proposed to participate in phase 3.

“It means that in the first days of October, if the (Mexican) health regulatory authority considers it so, hopefully so, that vaccine can be brought to Mexico,” he said.

The news was confirmed by Tagir Sitdekov, deputy director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, with which the development of the Sputnik V vaccine is financed, who participated by videoconference.

Sitdekov specified that Mexico could participate in phase three of the clinical trial with 500 to 1,000 Mexican volunteers

Indígenas mexicanos cargan una doble cruz por coronavirus | El Comercio

So the Russian vaccine against the Covid-19 disease could be the first to arrive in our country.

The clinical trials are expected to be delivered to the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, next week.

In addition, the Mexican government announced in August an agreement with Argentina and pharmaceutical companies from both nations to jointly produce the vaccine from the AstraZeneca company and the University of Oxford, one of the most advanced.

In typical Mexican fashion, internet users were quick to come out with memes

Rusia saca vacuna contra el covid-19 y López-Gatell dice que no sirve | El  Maldad - Videoblog, Noticias, Política, Música, Cine, TV, Series, Viral y  Youtube

Click video below for more examples


The Mexico City Post