Migrants denounce aggression at the Acayucan immigration station, Veracruz (Videos)


The priest and activist, Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, denounced that the abuse by the Veracruz police caused a young woman to lose her four-month-old baby.

Ixtepec, Oax.- From the “Hermanos en el Camino” shelter in Ixtepec, Oaxaca, Nicaraguan and Honduran migrants of Garífuna origin denounced attacks, sexual harassment and discrimination at the Acayucan migration station, Veracruz.

A 21-year-old Garífuna girl had an abortion and is hospitalized in a clinic in the state of Veracruz due to the lack of care at the immigration checkpoint, after suffering police mistreatment by security elements from Cosoleacaque.

The Hondurans were in a hotel in Minatitlán, Veracruz, when they were seized last Saturday by state police from Cosoleacaque, who attacked them and then transferred them to the Acayucan immigration station where they stayed for three days, now they are asking for help for a humanitarian visa and to be able to resume their journey.

The three Nicaraguan women and their four children – two girls and two boys – also suffered abuse in that migratory station. For three days they lived together in a tiny room with 21 people, received food in poor condition and slept on a mattress with dirty water.

The minors are sick with coughs and flu; They are emotionally exhausted because they see their reunion with their families living in the United States stopped once again.

In a video they recorded, they show the unworthy conditions that coexisted during their stay in that refuge of the National Institute of Migration (INM): food on the ground, piling up and the unhealthy environment.

For them, falling into “the hands of migration from Acayucan Veracruz” has been the worst thing that has happened in their journey through Mexico, a country where they say they do not intend to stay, but only serves as a “bridge” to achieve their desire to enter the United States.

Macarelis Pérez reported that their 2-year-old son was limited in the use of milk, which is his staple food, they only gave him 7 ounces a day and two diapers for cleaning, they also restricted cell phones and also medications.

They regretted the lack of response from the state and federal Human Rights bodies, whom they called but never showed up.

Maykeling González, a lawyer by profession, was forced to sign her deportation, but she did not do so, because she assures that “she can no longer go back to her country.” now in Mexico.

The priest and activist, Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, denounced that the abuse by the Veracruz police caused a young woman to lose her four-month-old baby.

The migrant ombudsman said there was mistreatment of migrants, for which he reported that the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) is already investigating the matter.

“I have communicated without success with the governor Cuitláhuac (García) of Veracruz, this cannot happen, people are being mistreated, they were in a hotel in Minatitlán and now a young woman is hospitalized, and the rest are here in the shelter” , he highlighted.

Since last week, a military deployment took place on the southern border of Mexico to protect the area, and despite this, violence against migrants does not stop, on the contrary, it is on the rise.

Source: aristeguinoticias.com

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