Foreign investment in Veracruz this year amounts to nearly 130 thousand million pesos: Sedecop

Xalapa, Ver.- The Secretary of Economic and Port Development, Enrique Nachón García, stated that this year four solid axes stand out in the state in terms of economy, a strong market; the competitiveness; opening to the world with international trade and as a fourth axis the attraction of investments, which also means an important generation of jobs since foreign investment in Veracruz amounts to nearly 130 billion pesos.

“The first quarter of this year was the largest, the most important in foreign direct investment and I hope not to get into the accounting of large companies, but that this year it will be demonstrated in the accounting closing of large companies, which be the most important year in foreign direct investment in the state of Veracruz. We are talking about that if the four thousand 500 million dollars of TC Energía, plus the one thousand 300 million dollars of Constellation Brands, plus the 800 million of Braskem Idesa and speaking only of three, we would be talking about about 130 billion pesos ”.

He explained that the policies and actions aimed at promoting the internal market, competitiveness, foreign trade and promoting investment, promoting development poles in the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT) and attracting investment in the automotive sector among others.

“And this year other companies come that we are inviting, for example with the Isthmus of Tehuantepec project, we have different sectors, but as I have been repeating, since they are companies that have a very important compliance system in different stock exchanges around the world, we cannot say the names, so yes, we are already serving and trying to serve more the automotive sector that had never had a presence in the state of Veracruz, we continue to promote manufacturing, we are promoting agribusiness and we are also promoting the food industry, so we are in those Right now and with the pharmaceutical industry we are also working hard.”

Enrique Nachón García, stated that Veracruz is consolidated as an investment territory, aligned with the Economic Reactivation Plan of the Federation, the Veracruz Development Plan and the 2030 Agenda.

Source: RTV