The highway in Veracruz that AMLO will inaugurate before leaving office as president


Andrés Manuel López Obrador ends his term as President of the Republic on September 30, 2024, as he himself has confirmed in statements. Less than two months after his departure, he is conducting tours to supervise works in different parts of the country, as some will be inaugurated while others will be inherited by the 2024-2030 administration.

At the “morning” conference on Thursday, August 1, the president confirmed that he will be visiting the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region between this Friday, August 2, and Sunday, August 4 of the same month. The tour will be done in the company of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who will inherit part of the projects that remain pending when she assumes the presidency on October 1.

This weekend’s visit will include the south of Veracruz, specifically for two works that are part of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Interoceanic Corridor train project. One will be supervised by both Morena members, while the other will be inaugurated.

This is the Veracruz highway that will be inaugurated
The southern Veracruz highway that will be inaugurated by López Obrador is the Acayucan – La Ventosa highway, with the promise of facilitating and shortening travel times between both areas of Veracruz and Oaxaca.

“Pangas (are still used) in Veracruz, we are building a bridge in Jesús Carranza, Veracruz, bordering Oaxaca, a bridge is being built there because a panga was used, then we are going to inaugurate the expansion of the highway of the isthmus of Tehuantepec, to Acayucan, which we expanded and some bypasses were made,” said the president this Thursday.

This new highway is part of the expansion of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec highway, also a commitment of Jorge Nuño Lara as head of the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), who announced in February of this year from Chiapas that the work would be finished in April.

Another of the highways that are part of this expansion is the Sayula bypass, on the border of both states. The project, in its entirety, promises to reduce the travel time by road between Coatzacoalcos and Salina Cruz from four to two hours and runs parallel to the train tracks of the Interoceanic Corridor.

Source: lasillarota