Veracruz Hosts a National Baseball Event Again After 18 Years


It took eighteen years for the state of Veracruz to host a National Baseball Championship again. This week, the 9-10 year-old category championship is taking place at the Beto Ávila Children’s League.

The sports competition, which will end on August 24 and features teams from 17 states of the republic, was inaugurated last weekend at the Beto Ávila baseball stadium. Present at the event were Ricardo Bravo, director of the National Teams Commission of the Mexican Baseball Federation; Héctor Fitch, General Director of El Águila de Veracruz; Emilio Morales, president of the Veracruz Baseball Association; Eduardo Miranda, president of the Beto Ávila Children’s League; and Manuel Mondragón, director of Sports in Boca del Río.

The participating states are Mexico City , Baja California, Baja California Sur , Campeche, Chihuahua, Coahuila , Nuevo León, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco , Tamaulipas , Yucatán, and Veracruz .

The games of this National Championship for the 9-10 year-old category will be held at the Beto Ávila Children’s League fields, starting at 8:00 am.

Source: Quadratin