CHIAPAS, MX.- In Chiapas, the number of coronavirus cases rose to 85 and to five the deaths, and two new municipalities with one recent case each were added. Meanwhile, people from Chiapas who have returned to their places of origin have been asked to remain in quarantine
José Manuel Cruz Castellanos, state secretary of Health, indicated that the most recent cases of COVID-19 were registered in Palenque, with two cases; and with one case there are the municipalities of Tapachula, Tapilula, Tila, Tonalá, Tumbalá, and Tuxtla Gutiérrez. While the two deaths were reported in patients originating from Tapachula and Tumbalá.

He also said that a house-to-house sweep is being maintained in the municipality of Tumbalá due to the upturn in cases in the area, the work will be at the municipal seat and the brigade will remain 14 days at the site.
The City Council of San Cristóbal de las Casas did not establish any healthy distance protocol in the agglomeration of people from indigenous communities who went to a bank branch to collect Procampo resources.
In Mexico there is a state of emergency in the presence of the coronavirus; However, this Wednesday people from various indigenous municipalities crowded into the central park of San Cristóbal from the houses and streets of the first square of the city from an early hour.
Chiapas, like the rest of the country, is experiencing phase three of the coronavirus emergency and is one of the states where infections have been registered in rural areas; even, San Cristóbal de las Casas is the second municipality with the highest number of positive cases of COVID-19.
The Mazatlan Post