Amnesty International: It is not true that in Mexico human rights are no longer violated as the president
Erika Guevara-Rosas, director for the Americas of Amnesty International, comments that the remarks by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, that human rights are no longer being violated in the country deny the reality because official figures indicate otherwise. . Guevara-Rosas affirms that it is true that the president received in 2018 a country with a complicated situation regarding human rights, but he considers that this is not a justification for this scenario to have been maintained during his first two years in office
In the second year of AMLO’s government, 38 thousand 467 disappearances were reported
During the second year of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the disappearances remained unchanged: from September 1, 2019 to June 30 of this year, 38,467 people were reported as missing, of which 15,837 they are still not located.
According to the Second Presidential Report, 1,143 clandestine graves were found in which 1,682 bodies were rescued, of which 712 were identified and 431 were handed over to their families, according to data from the National Search Commission (CNB).
The explanation given for the prevalence of disappearances is that “Mexico continues to resist the effects of a failed security strategy and combating organized crime that, among other things, caused the unfortunate disappearance of thousands of people.”
Regarding financial attention to the problem, the document states that as of May 2020, 314.6 million pesos were transferred to 24 local search commissions, federal resources that will be used to “reinforce search actions in those entities.”
Among the advances in the matter, the report cites the creation of the Extraordinary Forensic Identification Mechanism (MEIF) and the Homologated Search Protocol, in addition to continuing with the preparation of the Northeast Regional Plan, projects in which the families of missing.
The Second Government Report highlights as advances in human rights the actions carried out by the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice in the Ayotzinapa Case, such as the “review of 800 million calls” in order to “locate areas of interest and its relationship with the grave search records ”, in addition to holding six meetings with the victims’ families.
Among other actions in defense of human rights, the López Obrador government claims to have attended 1,348 displaced people from Tierra Caliente and Costa Grande de Guerrero, as well as the delivery of food to 343 displaced people from Chilón, Chiapas.
Regarding political releases, in the reporting period, 2,387 cases were received, “among which are former municipal presidents, social activists and human rights defenders, of which only 26 releases were achieved.”
Between September 2019 and June 2020, the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims (CEAV) included 5 thousand 589 victims in the National Registry of Victims (Renavi), 35.6% from the federal level, while in that period the 32 Comprehensive Care Centers located throughout the country provided “legal advice, psychological care, social work, and aid and assistance measures to 49,461 people, of which 64% are women.”
In the last year of government, the Federal Legal Counsel initiated 425 files, which added to the existing ones add up to 3 thousand 728 assets, while in the first six months of 2020 resources from the Relief Fund Trust were exercised , Assistance and Comprehensive Reparation for 233 million pesos, for the benefit of 353 victims, of which “93.9% were applied to funeral expenses, food, accommodation, expert opinions, medical expenses and transfers; 2.9% in subsidiary compensation for the commission of a crime under federal jurisdiction; 3.2% in compensation for human rights violations committed by federal authorities ”.
Regarding the attacks on journalists and human rights defenders, the document indicates that 240 people joined the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, so that as of June of this year there are 1,258 persons registered: 396 journalists and 862 human rights defenders.
The report warns that “as of December 1, 2018, only 798 people were incorporated, which shows an increase of 57.6%.”
Regarding the coordinated actions with the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), the federal government received 45 notices related to 19 complaints; issued three precautionary measures; received seven recommendations and attended 17 collaborations.
Regarding violence against girls and women, 150,201 people were served in the 48 Justice Centers for Women distributed in 28 entities, and in eight states 124,1201 million pesos were allocated to strengthen them.
Among the actions described in favor of human rights, the Second Government Report predominantly lists a series of courses aimed at personnel from the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), National Guard, Secretariat of National Defense ( Sedena) and Secretariat of the Navy (Semar).
The SSPC highlighted that from September 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, the CNDH notified it of the existence of 388 complaints, 30 precautionary measures, 28 conciliation proposals and seven recommendations. Of the latter, none corresponds to the current management.
Among the courses listed by the agency headed by Alfonso Durazo, those coordinated with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred), the CNDH and the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres) stand out.
While of the 90,000 members of the National Guard registered as of June 30, only 654 enrolled in 29 academic activities on human rights and, as part of the Framework Agreement between the Government of Mexico and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, signed on April 9 between President López Obrador and Michelle Bachelet, reports “two meetings where issues on the Protocol for the Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents were discussed.”
Training in human rights for 3,829 public servants of the Federal Centers for Social Readaptation is mentioned, while 121 state policemen attended a seminar of the Anti-Narcotics Affairs and Law Enforcement Section and the United Nations Office. United Against Drugs and Crime, on police intervention in femicidal violence.
In the case of Sedena, training given by the CNDH, Conapred, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), aimed at thousands of military personnel, are highlighted. Semar mentions courses for seafarers given by the CNDH and the ICRC.
Among the actions of the Legal Counsel of the Federal Executive, the report cites the Decree that reforms the one issued on July 20, 2010, due to the fire that occurred on June 5, 2009 at the ABC Nursery, in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora.
In the decree issued by López Obrador on March 13, 2020 “the lifetime measure is recognized for those affected, a guaranteed pension and scholarships for education for injured minors, among others.”
At the end of López Obrador’s message at the National Palace, this Tuesday, Amnesty International transmitted some data on its Twitter account that show the serious human rights situation.
The international organization warned about the increase in femicides in Mexico, which between January and July 2020 reached 566 cases, “which represents an increase of 5.4% compared to 2019 (536) and 9.6% compared to 2018 (516).”
He denied that there are no “torture, disappearances, or massacres”, taking into account that since López Obrador took possession to date “11,653 people have been missing and not located.”
Amnesty International recalled cases such as the one revealed by the video of the military operation of July 3 in Nue-vo Laredo, in which at least one extrajudicial execution is noted, which shows “the continuing human rights crisis that persists in Mexico ”.
In the same way, he expressed his concern that “people who defend the land, territory and environment continue to be stigmatized,” as the president has pointed out with the qualifications of “pseudo-ecologists”, expressions that –he stressed- – “They have no place in a state of law, where people have full power to express their opinion and claim the authorities.”

After noting that “the first step to eliminating human rights violations is to recognize and account for them”, Amnesty International warned that to move forward “the government must stop blaming previous administrations for the situation and, instead, accept responsibility for what is happening in the present and seek solutions to address the serious outstanding debts on the matter ”.