This is how they commemorated the 217th anniversary of the birth of the Benemérito de las Américas in Orizaba


The protocol ceremony was held on Paseo Colón in front of the Palacio de Orizaba.

Orizaba, Ver.- Our country does not belong to a single man, but to all Mexican women who fight every day to live better and get ahead without being given anything, declares José Antonio Roldán Bravo, fifth Councilor of Orizaba when commemorating the 217th anniversary of the birth of the Benemérito de las Américas.

In the protocol ceremony that this year took place on Paseo Colón in front of the Orizaba Municipal Palace, before the military and Masonic authorities, the mayor recalled that Mexico is a nation that has been forged from struggle.

“Let’s not allow a handful of false prophets to want to take away our institutions, to manipulate our laws, but above all, they do not want to respect the autonomy of the powers that govern our homeland today.”

He points out that honoring the legacy of Juárez, specifically in this Magical Town, means never giving up, nor waiting for the crumbs of other orders of government.

“Fortunately, we Orizabeños know how to get ahead by adding efforts to continue being a municipality with great results, in resounding development that will not give up in the face of problems that may arise, on the contrary, face them with determination and courage as Juárez did.”

To the students of schools invited to participate in the civic act, the fifth Councilor recalls that Benito Juárez was born in conditions of poverty, he was indigenous, an orphan, “but his courage was greater than all the obstacles he had in life.” .

Thanks to his effort and sacrifice, he finished his studies and became a lawyer, became a councilor, governor, rector, president of the Supreme Court and finally, president of the Republic.

“Benito Juárez is an example of dedication and conviction to get ahead and show that you can do more than violence, than abandonment. When a child wants to get ahead, he studies, he does his homework, he is obedient to his parents, he attends and listens to his teachers, but he also believes, dreams, and thinks differently.

He stressed that Juárez is the most eloquent example of what the people need: good leaders to build history based on collective action, for this reason it must be made clear to the new generations that Mexico was saved by a principle and by a man. “The beginning: The Republic, the man: Benito Juárez”.

Source: El Sol de Orizaba