Three Companies Could Set Up in Veracruz with Over 4,000 Job Offers

The president of the Veracruz Association of Industrialists (AIEVAC) stated that three companies are interested in investing in Veracruz.

With a job offer of over four thousand positions, a pasta company could be built in the Vargas area, very close to where Constellation Brands is also being constructed.

According to José Antonio Marquínez Seeman, president of AIEVAC, three companies are interested in investing in Veracruz, one of them being the industrial group La Italiana, which owns Italpasta.

He detailed that the company is in the process of obtaining permits from the Veracruz city council and the state government.

He highlighted that the company could be established in the Vargas area, near the Constellation Brands project, which also represents significant capital and the announced jobs.

“They are starting with the paperwork, and it will be able to proceed once the documentation is completed between the municipal and state governments,” he said.

Which are the other two companies that could come to Veracruz?

The other two companies have not yet made their information public but are already investigating electrical energy and natural resources for their feasibility.

“They are already investigating electrical energy and water to see where they will set up. The pursuit of industry in this six-year term is good, very good,” concluded the AIEVAC representative.

The option for their installation is the northern part of the city.

The entrepreneurs celebrated the arrival of investment in Veracruz, which allows for the generation of direct and indirect jobs, as economic activity is reflected from the construction stage.

Source: Diario de Xalapa